Warning this review may contain spoilers
This review is for the movie 5cm per second, to start off this movie is slow-paced and slightly confusing with the sections but in the end it made sense. The story line is like your basic romance story with a twist this is what makes it so different compared to the typical romance, the story reminded me of the Clannad and Clannad After Story anime, and if you watch it the basic story is pretty similar. The story overall is detailed and quite cute when it came round to it. The animation was really cool, the scenery and character designs were really detailed and they fit the theme perfectly. I can’t really say much other than the story was pretty rushed due to it being fit into a hour but that is just me.
The music is the only thing I can’t really remember much about, but when I did hear it the few songs in the background were cute and they again fit the theme just about perfectly, this is one thing that made the anime what it was. The characters for the ones they focused on were pretty well explained and each of the main characters story were truly amazing when it came to detail. There again isn't much to say in this case.
The overall movie was really detailed and I was shocked when I saw the detail in both the story and the characters, I was really impressed. I say if you liked the idea of a one-off slow-paced movie, just as an extra to watch this would be a perfect choice.